Monday, March 3, 2008

Houston, we have NO problem!

Well, I just have this to say - I'm sick of complaining.

And that is the last complaint I plan to make for quite some time.

Lately I've had a couple of things that I felt quite neccessary to complain about. Nothing major, just venting if you will. But if you happen to be my mom, dad, husband, best friend, sister or that of an in-law (and there are only so many people in this world who fit in to these categories) than you are aware of this. And heavens to Betsy I know I've complained about many things in the past but that is not my point. Here is my point...

Why complain? What good does it do? Will it make the situation run away? Will it make me feel better? Apparently NOT if I listed a good 6 people that have had the pleasure of hearing these complaints.

So, to those of you that have listened, thank you for your wise words and for lending an ear. Next time you hear me complain, stop me. I have too many things to be thankful for to worry about the little things that just don't matter. For now on I am only allowed to talk about good things. That way the happiness will just overflow and fill up my house and the whole wide world and it will radiate in to one big blob of happy. (That may be a bit dramatic but you catch my drift.)

So, how are YOU doing today!?


Doreen Larson Michael said...

I was not doing so well until I read your blog and then I realized that you are right - no complaints now!!

You have definitely started a good chain of contentment!!

Thank you - from an ear that will never tire of listening!!

CityStreams said...

Ugh! I've had the worst day. Wanna hear about it? Just kidding!

You're absolutely right, though. We've got so much to be thankful for.

seven is enough said...

Thanks for reading my blog..A work in progress!!
Thanks for the comment. I need to add more baby pics once Ansley , (my computer guru) comes back for a visit. I enjoy reading yours.Do enjoy young Brooks now...They do grow way too fast! I would give anything to have my babies back!!
Hope to see you soon and get to meet that precious baby.

Anonymous said...

Well said.

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