The first goes back to my college days, when I was running late to meet some friends for dinner. I was going down a hill, looking down at my cell phone (shamelessly) when I slammed on my breaks to stop from hitting a car in front of me. I lost control, crossed the yellow line and side swiped a minivan coming the opposite way. The whole crash was terrible and the officers could not believe no one was injured. The mini van and my car ended up very far away from each other, so I never met the driver. I was very shaken but held it together as I called my Dad and John to let them know of the incident. I was talking to the policeman and heard another officer on the scanner say to him, "Yes, the three children in the van are definitely okay, just shaken. No one is injured." I absolutely LOST it! No explanation needed.
The second story occurred during my Classic Center days when John lived in Bogart. This was two years ago this past Christmas. I was driving from his house to my parents house one morning. I came to a side road intersection to cross Hwy. 316. A car crash involving a small car and a transfer truck had just occurred. I will spare you the details of the crash but I will tell you that I watched a small boy, age 7, die on the side of the road. His mother used my cell phone as she frantically called her family. Her husband was lying about 50 yards away, unconscious. Their second son, a baby, was screaming as pedestrians carefully tried to remove him and his car seat out of the wrecked car. There was blood, screaming, crying, total chaos. I am not built to handle these situations, which is why I do not work at a hospital. I will never forget that mother's face. That little boy's mangled face. I think about it every time I pass that intersection. I think about that family every Christmas, every time I see a little Mexican boy with a bowl cut. It was absolutely horrible. Everyone at the scene assumed that the man and the older boy were not strapped in. The mother and the baby were strapped in and the baby was in a safe car seat that was installed properly.
I know those are two very long stories but they do lead to a point. When it comes to babies and cars, I am a fanatic, which is why I took an email that my friend Ansley sent me very seriously. It was in regards to car seat safety. When it was time for us to buy Brooks his new car seat I did my research on every brand and most every style. I bought him the one I thought was the absolute safest car seat made in the entire world! I had the company's representative show me how to install. At the end of the little tutorial, she told me Brooks could sit forward or rear facing, but rear-facing was the safest. She had, however, installed it front-facing. Since his spider legs were squished in the rear facing position, and since he was 21 pounds and a year old, I kept it facing forward, excited that he could now see Mommy and the outdoors while riding.
After reviewing all of the information on the link that Ansley sent to me today, I will be turning Brooks back around to be rear-facing. His car seat supports this for up to 35 pounds. He still only ways 21 pounds. Sure, his legs will be squished and he'll have to stare at the back seat for another year, but I would rather that than a broken neck. What gets me is through out all my research all I read about was side impact. What will protect him the most if there is side impact? I didn't think about slamming on breaks, neck injuries... AHHHH!
Here is an excerpt from the blog post that I read from this link that Ansley sent to me. I was shocked. "Because riding rear-facing does provide significantly more protection to children's heads, necks, and spines, the Academy does recommend it for as long as possible, but the only minimum we have set is 12 months/20 pounds. This policy statement is under revision but is current at this time."
Under revision? Really? So, in five years there may be a law stating that the baby has to be 35 pounds and 2 years old to ride front facing? ABSOLUTELY. That makes sense. I am not waiting for that law to be passed. No siree.
All mommies and soon to be mommies, please check out this link. I would love your opinion. Do you think the law should be revised? Would you turn your child around if you were me? And does anyone know if there are any NEGATIVES to the rear-facing position for a tall child, or one over 20 pounds and a year old. I am very interested. I may call Britax. Yes, I am one of those moms.
I do believe God will keep my baby safe, but I also think He gave us a brain for a reason!
Thank you, Ans!
smart mama! all four of my quads still face the rear. they are 22/23 pounds, yet, i am going to keep them rear facing as long as i can. their poor little legs are squished! but i agree completely.
yay! thanks, suz! SO GLAD to hear you agree.
I became a "certified car passenger safety technician" (glorified car seat installer) a couple of months back and COMPLETELY agree! You DO NOT want to see crash test videos of babies that are 1 year/20 lbs in front facing car seats that have been involved in a wreck. SCARY!!
Our babies will be riding rear facing as long as they fit in a rear facing seat. Fortunately, manufacturers are seeing the benefit and making higher weight limits all the time... thank goodness. Interestingly enough, in Europe it's a law that babies ride rear facing til their 2nd birthday.
Congrats on making a great, if tough, decision for Brooks and your peice of mind!
Hey britt...
I came across that car seat info on one of the blogs I follow. I immediately got on the phone and shared it with Ansley..So what if I have to buy a new car seat for Averie ? It will be money well spent...I have signed up to become a certified car seat installer..( Maybe Gods idea as a new career for me ?) But , I am passionate about this...thanks for blogging about it...
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