While Brooks may not be growing as fast as he did the first year, his personality has sprouted like a weed! HE IS SO MUCH FUN. I love it! It is hard to describe his actions, but I am mainly posting them so that I do not forget!
- He has taken the hugging game to a whole new level! Anytime I say something like "Love on Mommy" or "Love on Grandaddy" he lays his little head down as fast as he can on whomever he is loving and it's just so sweet!
- He also gives mommy lots of kisses. Although he has been doing this for many months, now when I say "Give mommy a kiss" he puckers up and smacks a big one on me! Melts my heart!
- His favorite game right now is pointing to mommy's eyes, nose, mouth, ears and hair. Except instead of pointing (like the girls did) he gives a big ole whack. I am definitely teaching him to be gentle but I have gotten my head smacked a few times in this game!
- He talks 90 miles an hour. He makes up words. He talks and talks and talks, and we have no clue what he is saying. His signature word sounds something like "da-doooooooowwww." He says it randomly, all the time. I have no idea what it means or where it came from. The other day we were watching the presidential news conference and he was staring at Obama on tv. I said, "That is your new president." He looked at me, let out this deep, sarcastic laugh and said, "da-doooowww!"
- He is definitely walking more now. It is such a slow process. If he has something to pull up on, he will walk as far as he can until he plops down. He is the fastest crawler I have ever seen!
- He is obsessed with my niece Baleigh. LOVES HER. When she walks in the room it's like the sky has parted, the sun is shining and the birds are singing. He can not get to her fast enough. He literally cracks up at everything she does. She will say "boo" very softly and he loses it.
- He also loves to play with all of the girls. He gets very excited every time we are all together... which is often! I can only imagine his excitement when the triplets are born and get old enough to play and he realizes... I HAVE TWO BOY COUSINS! Oh goodness, what fun is coming! I can definitely see a "Boys or Girls ONLY Club" in the near future. And my guess is that the boy's club will be lead by one of the triplets and the girls club will be lead by Campbell. Just my premonition!
- He tries to repeat short sentences like, "I love you." Very cute!
- He is so sweet to people in public. He smiles and sometimes laughs at any one that talks to him or looks at him. When they look at him and when they walk away from him he waves frantically. The other day I was getting a pedicure and he waved at this one young girl for a good hour. She was a good sport about it. Through out one trip to the grocery store, he will wave at a good 25 people and have many new friends before we leave the store!
- My favorite change is when we ask him a question he comes back with, "Eh" or "Hmmm?" He cocks his little head and awaits your response. Sometimes he goes crazy with it and says it over... and over... and over. He also answers many questions I ask him with a very solid NO as he quickly nods his head back and forth!
- He LOVES books. He laughs when I get them out. He favorite book was given to him by Baleigh and Campbell and it is called "Pete the Cat."
- New words in his vocabulary: nana (banana), juice, yum yum, uh-oh, HOT and book --- and basically anything we say that he feels like he wants to repeat! Anytime I get something out of the microwave or oven he announces, "HOT HOT!" The other day I was rolling my hair and he let me know the curlers were in fact, "HOT HOT!"
That's about it for now. I am going to try and figure out a way to upload a video I took of him yesterday. John was on rock band playing guitar and Brooks was going at it with the drum sticks. He really looked like he was playing and he even had pretty good rhythm! That tells me he must take after his Arkansas Grandaddy musically!